Monday, August 8, 2011


Well I've been feverishly looking for a job here in Michigan, no luck so far. There are a lot of teachers looking right now. That's life. It'll happen when the time is right. :)

I haven't forgotten about all my fellow Whole Brain Teachers out there, and I wanted to check in and say hey. I hope everyone is having fun preparing for the new year. May it be exciting and full of wonderful WBT moments.

I'll be focused on finding the job so please don't give up on my blog. It comes down to the fact that finding a full time job has to be my focus. I have a job managing a restaurant. They have been resistant to WB resturanting (I think I just made up a word-- cool). Not really prefected yet anyway. Its a good thing I don't care what they think, I'm probably the crazy manager. WAIT I was that crazy teacher too, it must be true. :)

I'll be tutoring and subbing so I'll report back with WBT on a small scale and as a sub. It'll fit somewhere I'm sure